Sanjay 8 Pro Bundle

Take Sanjay to Bollywood! Help him strike a pose or bust a move. Get everybody on their feet and celebrate one of the best parts Indian entertainment with color and flare, with a touch of youth.

Mixable Expressions for Sanjay 8 and Genesis 8 Male(s)

The expressions are organized in three folders: Full Face, Lower Face, and Upper Face. You also have zeroes for full, lower and upper face. In the parameters tab, you also have Pose Control dials for each one of the expressions. All expressions are named by mood, both in the icon names and the dials: Happy, Worried, Amazed, Confident, Sorrow...

Dhmorra for Sanjay 8

There is a Human Skin Set, as well as two full Fantasy Skin Sets, two extra base Fantasy Skins that use Diffuse Overlay for the mixing of the skins and adding additional color material presets for added variety.  With Fibermesh Brows, Horns made in Zbrush, several colors for the Fibermesh Brows as well as 2 Eyelash Presets, and other options to mix and match for your unique Djinn to devastate your Hero/Heroine in just about any type of render.