Ceres the Dwarf Planet

Ceres the Dwarf Planet is a faithful reproduction of the dwarf planet, based on the Digital Elevation Model maps (DEM) from NASA's Dawn mission images.

Sci-Fi Exam Room

Equipped both to bring your characters back from the ravaging effects of space diseases and to examine extraterrestial life, the Sci-Fi Exam Room is clean, simple, and straightforward.

Abandoned Nuclear Facility

This concrete underground stairwell has a dark scientific history.

Patrol Drone Bot

Perfect for your sci-fi scene, the Patrol Drone Bot is on the mission.

Monster Horde Crowd Generator

Monster Horde Crowd Generator includes 40 unique individual character billboards based on Genesis 8, 20 male and 20 female for your science fiction and fantasy scenes.

Arabic Hall

The Arabic Hall is a luxurious poolside saloon.

Restoration Shop

The Restoration Shop is fully equipped with things perfect for restoring old vehicles.

Modular Buggy

The Modular Buggy is made for all of your off-road scenes.

Modular Buggy Race Addons

Get ready to race with Modular Buggy Race addons!

Billboard Crowd Generator: World War II

Populate your war scene quickly and efficiently with Billboard Crowd Generator: World War II!