Laura for Genesis 8 Female

5 age presets, Preschool, Child, Preteen, Tween, and Teen and my own personal mix.

Liam for Edward 8

His head and body morphs are custom made with a mix of Merchant Resource Morphs as well as work within Hexagon that can be used alone or with the Edward 8 Male figures. I've included a dial preset for Zev0's Aging Morphs for Genesis 8 Male(s) to give him a more aged appearance, but it is not required for the figure itself.

Penelope for Genesis 8 Female

Requirements: Growing up for Genesis 8 Female

Ivan 7 HD Add-On

What's Included and Features

Raoul for Ivan 7 HD

If you need a bruiser, bodyguard, fighter, raider or just an intimidating presence and someone to throw their weight around, Raoul has all situations covered and he gets the job done.

LY Glitter Sweet Girls for Growing Up for Genesis 8 Female(s)

The Glitter Sweet Girls have custom painted makeups- 6 eyeshadows (with and without liner) and Nail polishes, 8 lip glosses and eye colors and 3 Freckle types. These are soft and youthful looking to reflect the younger age.

Drako for Ivan 7

Drako includes Custom Sculpted HD Head and Body Morphs to give Ivan 7 a unique new look.

Liberty Hair For Genesis 8 Female(s)

Modeled and shaded with the most efficient techniques to look complex and beautiful, and render in optimal time. It also has NVIDIA Iray shaders optimized for natural looking hair no matter what lighting you choose to use.

Ivan 7 Pro Bundle

From deep within ancient civilizations and worlds lost, from the streets and alleys of a modern city comes Ivan. He is a man for all seasons, a man for all time.