Keyhole Style for Genesis 3 Female(s)

The dress follows the thigh bends and has many adjustment morphs, it also has options to make it shorter or longer if desired or give it a subtle flare. Two different wrinkle morphs, one being HD, and separate trim and seam-line HD morphs that you can mix and match to your taste.

Rogue Element Arsenal

This set will add to the roster a polearm, dual glaives and a shield, all created to go seamlessly with the Rogue Element outfit. Two of the weapons feature a roaring lion with glowing eyes, while the other the diamond shaped jewels featured on the outfit, with twisted hardware.

Nessus HD for Centaur 7 Male

Required Products: Centaur 7 for Genesis 3 Male(s)

Alliance Outfit Textures

Required Products: Alliance Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s)

Goldfish and Props

Included are poses, extra textures and a set of koi whiskers. There are two different bowls, complete with gravel, plants and -of course- a castle. All with different texture options