Pluto and Charon

Pluto and Charon is a faithful reproduction of the dwarf planet and its largest satellite, based on the digital Elevation Model (DEM) from NASA's New Horizons mission images.

Ceres the Dwarf Planet

Ceres the Dwarf Planet is a faithful reproduction of the dwarf planet, based on the Digital Elevation Model maps (DEM) from NASA's Dawn mission images.

DG Stage Styles for Pop Sensation

Get ready for the big show with Stage Styles for Pop Sensation.

Eleonora for Genesis 8 Female(s)

Eleonora is a beautiful new character with special fire powers.

Horned Fantasy Headdress for Genesis 3 and 8

This fantasy headdress oozes style and versatility. It is made up of various parts that can be made invisible for a range of different looks, and comes with 15 preset color themes.

Sci-Fi Exam Room

Equipped both to bring your characters back from the ravaging effects of space diseases and to examine extraterrestial life, the Sci-Fi Exam Room is clean, simple, and straightforward.

Abandoned Nuclear Facility

This concrete underground stairwell has a dark scientific history.

Patrol Drone Bot

Perfect for your sci-fi scene, the Patrol Drone Bot is on the mission.

dForce Spring Casual Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s)

This is Casual Outfit Set for Young Genesis 8 Female Characters.

FSL Everyday People Shapes

Forget those fancy models, outrageous characters, and unrealistically fit and toned bodies - FSL Everyday People Shapes gives you real characters for real scenes!