i13 The Show

Welcome to The Show! An expansive dance bar optimized for Poser. Featuring grand winding stairways, balcony viewing, complete bar and lower level seating, detailed stage. Incredible IDL/IBL light setup, cameras, and complete preload.

i13 Real University Poses for G3F/G2F

Real University Poses for Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 Females.

i13 Home Office POSES

Pose set for Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 Females for the i13 Home Office.

i13 Dirty Dawg BAR

i13 Dirty Dawg Bar! To make this collection super easy and fun to use, lights, cameras, smart props, and ready to render scenes are included with complete versions of everything for both DAZ Studio and Poser.

i13 Underground Battle Arena

Get an exciting battle arena that features a spacious cave with five tunnel entrances, battle arena with doors that open and close, and gates that can be moved or hidden!

40’s Bus Station

40's Bus Station for Poser and Daz Studio.

Queen of the Seas Poses for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female(s)

A pirate's life is a dangerous one, doubly so if you're a woman. You have to be treacherous, ambitious, vicious, and you have to look good while doing it just to keep the enemy (and other crew members) at bay. Give your Genesis Basic Female and Genesis 2 Females the advantage with these 20 single stance 3D poses to be used with the Piratess sets. They're worth their weight in gold.

Piratess for Genesis 2 Female(s)

The men no longer rule the sea since the new lady pirates have taken over! This set of 3D pirate clothing for Genesis 2 Female includes skirts, pants, hat, guns, jewelry and more.

Evaleene Outfit for Genesis 2 Female(s)

Genesis 2 Female's closet would not be complete without this stylish Steampunk outfit. Evalenne is a fun, high quality outfit that includes five highly detailed textures, many JCMs, and custom morphs to allow easy fitting for Genesis 2 Female body morphs.