AJ Modern Interior 3

This package contains 1 basic figure consisting of 6 parts, 14 props and 2 mat-poses for basic figure - default (lights and TV screen is off) and Lights and TV -ON mat-pose. Each part of the basic figure can be disabled if needed for convenient camera placing.

Western Town

Complete outdoor scene with highly detailed Western style wooden houses, Every model has Diffuse, specular Normal or Bump textures. You can combine and position all model as you like to build your own "Gold Rush" town in the desert.

AJ Sci-Fi Bunker

This package contains Sci-Fi styled Bunker figure consisting of 4 parts (Bunker Base, 2 gate sides and terrain).

AJ Villa

This package contains 1 basic figure of modern Villa consisting of 11 parts - base, door fixed parts and 9 sliding doors wich you can separately open and close using corresponding sliders. All plants, pool, lounges, chairs, tables and couches represented in this package are the parts of base figure and can not be disabled.

Prison Cell Block ‘K’

Presenting a dark, dank, depressing Prison Cell Block for your renders. This highly detailed model features 12 prison cells, a fully detailed stairway system.

Mysterious Tomb

A beautiful, highly detailed Tomb for your Renders. It features a beautiful outside entrance, access corridor and main Tomb Chamber. A perfect setting for your adventure themed renders. Inside you'll find Ivy plants creeping around the structure, fallen pillars and ceiling supports; Nature doing its best to claim back what's hers.

Prison Guard Tower

Presenting a imposing, highly detailed Prison Guard Tower set for your Renders. This set features 3 size of tower, with accompanying fences and barricades.

Abandoned Factory

The Abandoned Factory is a decrepit building, full of graffiti. Perfect for your Post-Apocalyptic or Zombie scenes. It can be used as a Punk Warrior or Street Gang hideout, or it can also be used as a modern background for fashion or fun action sports, like skateboarding, etc. This product includes two figure/props (the factory and a sky hemisphere) and two light sets for both DAZ Studio and Poser.

Prison Exercise Yard

A piece of enclosed ground in a prison on which your Runtime and Library Inmates can exercise in order to get fit and to remain healthy.